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Brain nutrients and anti-cancer <Vitamin D>, Several ways to supplement

I've been writing a lot about vitamin D for years. I can not emphasize and emphasize.

According to a 2010 survey by Samsung Medical Center, blood tests showed that 53% of males and 62% of females were deficient in vitamin D. This is a very serious level. It is much more than 20% ~ 30% in the high latitude northern hemisphere.

What Happens When Vitamin D Is Lacked

. Vitamin D transfers calcium to the blood in the small intestine.

. Vitamin D turns organic phosphoric acid into inorganic phosphoric acid. Organic phosphoric acid makes bone.

. Vitamin D helps reabsorb the organophosphate and calcium in the kidneys.

. If vitamin D is not enough, it will not be absorbed even if you eat calcium. If vitamin D is sufficient, the adult calcium absorption rate reaches 30%, but if not, the calcium absorption rate falls. Therefore, back pain, rickets, cavities, osteoporosis, osteomalacia occurs.

. If vitamin D is insufficient, insulin action becomes dull and abdominal obesity comes.

. Deficiency of vitamin D increases heart disease, degenerative arthritis, and colorectal cancer.

How to get Vitamin D from sunlight

In summer, May, June and July, you can get vitamin D standard for 1 day for 5 ~ 10 minutes based on 2 ~ 3 times a week and 12:30 for one week in the central region of Seoul. In other words, the daily intake of vitamin D is 5.5 micrograms, if you only make sunlight in 3.5 minutes is possible. Therefore, a total of 25 minutes in a week.

The unit may be shorter at 35 degrees or less, and more often at 38 degrees north. At the latitude of Mt. Baekdu, one more minute is required per day.

. In the winter, the altitude of the sun is lowered, and the intensity of the sunlight drops. Therefore, although vitamin D production is not very low, sunshine is reduced, sunlight intensity is low, and efficiency is low. At 12:30 in December, the amount of sunlight needed is 25 minutes a day. It takes about 20 minutes at 35 degrees below latitude, and 1 hour at 38 degrees north latitude. Therefore, it must be supplemented with food or injected.

Of course, excess vitamin D is accumulated in the body, so it can be aired. However, uvB that make vitamin D cause skin burns, so it is not necessary to take more than 10 minutes. on the other hand, uvA can not get vitamin D no matter how much it gets.

. The sunlight entering through the window is ultraviolet A but not ultraviolet B. Must be sunlight yourself.

- How to get vitamin D from food

. Blue fish, salmon, margarine, milk, egg yolk, shiitake mushroom, sardine, oyster mushroom, dung.

. Seafood is good at once.

How do you eat or inject vitamin D ingredients?

. Vitamin D tablets should eat 1000IU per day. It is an egg.

It is good to have vitamin D injection in December and early March. If there is little outdoor activity in winter, you should definitely take vitamin D injections at the beginning of March. At this time, accumulated vitamin D is depleted and various bad symptoms begin to appear.

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