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마하파탄경 우리말 해석

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정리되는대로 계속해서 올립니다.

마하 파탄경 (Pathana Pali) 

조건 관계

1. 헤두 삣사여 ( 원인 조건 Root Condition ) The relation way of root.

2. 아라마나 삣사여 ( 대상 조건 Object Condition) The relation of object.

3. 아디빠띠 삣사여 ( 지배 조건  Predominance Condition) The relation of dominance

4. 아난따라 삣사여 ( 틈이 없는 조건 Proximity Condition) The relation of contiguity.

5. 따만난따라 삣사여 ( 빈 틈이 없는 조건 Contiguity Condition) The relation of immediate contiguity.

6. 따하자따 삣사여 ( 함께 생긴 조건 Co-nascence Condition) The relation of Co-existence.

7. 에냐민냐 삣사여 ( 상호 조건 Mutualiry Condition ) The relation of reciprocity.

8. 닛따라 삣사여 ( 의지 조건 Support Conditon ) The relation of dependence

9. 우빠닛따라 삣사여 ( 강한 의지 조건  Decisive Support Condition) The relation of Sufficing condition.

10. 뿌레자따 삣사여 ( 선행 조건 Pre-nascence Condition) The relation of pre-existence.

11. 삣자자따 삣사여 ( 후행 조건 Post-nascence Condition) The relation 0f post-existence.

12. 아떼와나 삣사여 ( 반복 조건 Repetiotion Condition ) The relation of habitual recurrence

13. 깜마 삣사여 ( 업 조건 Kamma Condition ) The relation of Kamma.

14. 위빠까 삣사여 ( 과보 조건 Resuli Condition ) The relation of effect

15. 아하라 삣사여 ( 음식 (영양) 조건 Nutriment Condition ) The relation of food.

16. 앵디리야 삣사여 ( 가능 조건 Faculty Condition ) The relation of control.

17. 자나 삣사여 ( 선정 조건 ( Jhana Condition ) The relation of jhana.

18. 맷가 삣사여 ( 도 조건 Path Condition ) The relation of path.

19. 땀빠욕따 삣사여 (관련 조건 Association Contion) The relation of association.

20. 웨이빠욕따 삣사여 ( 비관련 조건 Dissociation Condition) The relation of dissociation.

21. 악티 삣사여 ( 존재 조건 Presence Condition ) The relation of presence.

22. 낙티 삣사여 ( 비존재 조건 Absence Condition ) The relation of absence.

23. 위가따 삣사여 ( 떠난 조건 Disappearance Condition ) The relation of abeyance.

24. 아위가따 삣사여 띠 ( 떠나지 않은 조건 Non-disappearance Condition ) The relation of continuance

삣사야 욕데떠 닛티떠. (조건의 개요 끝)